Treize Chocolats

Treize Chocolats

At Treize Chocolats, a company based in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, chocolate making is more than a profession, but a way of expressing pure, simple feelings.

Pascal Daoust, the founder, has had an inspiring journey to get to where he is today. Having experienced significant health issues at a young age, he was limited in the career choices he could pursue. It was a bit by chance that he fell in love with the chocolate factory, following a great opportunity to stay for several months in France. When he returned, his goal was clear: to create his own chocolates and pass on his love of this fine product.

Today, Treize Chocolats is a well-established company in Montérégie that offers a wide range of small sweet delights using as many Quebec ingredients as possible.

From bean to bar

In addition to offering a very wide range of products, Pascal also specializes in the creation of “bean-to-bar” chocolate bars, from bean to bar. This therefore allows him to practically control the entire tablet manufacturing process, from roasting the selected beans to their shelling, grinding, kneading, conching, tempering and molding. He can therefore create chocolates totally in his image!

Discover their story

See the capsule Ces Gens Ferm’idables

Treize Chocolats - La passion dans chaque bouchée

Treize Chocolats - Passion in every bite

Doing this 5, 6, 7 days a week, you have to love what you do. For many, chocolate is a simple little pleasure in life. For others, like Pascal Daoust, chocolate is more synonymous with pass...

Meet them on this signature tour