Asian Vegetables

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Description of the book

Tasty, attractive and nutritious, Asian vegetables remain unusual on Western tables. However, these are very easy to cook and can be easily grown at home!

Three sisters of Cantonese origin reveal here the delicious secrets of 15 Asian vegetables. To help you discover them, they provide organic growing and harvesting advice, intended for both amateur gardening and commercial market gardening, and offer a host of ideas for preserving and preparing them, including around forty recipes.

The Wang sisters also talk about the place that these vegetables occupied in their own lives and that of their family, part of which left China to emigrate to Madagascar before settling in Quebec.

Le Rizen

Situé à Frelighsburg dans Les Cantons-de-l’Est, sur la ferme collective agro-écologique Les Cocagnes, Le Rizen est la première entreprise québécoise spécialisée en production et transformation de légumes asiatiques certifiés biologiques et destinés au marché local.

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