Gaspesian ramen
Description Gaspesian Ramen
Ramen meal with red miso, vegetable proteins, shiitake mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, spices, sea lettuce hand-picked in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
A local adaptation of this famous Japanese meal, our Gaspésie ramen highlights the plant richness of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence through sea lettuce.
With the addition of shiitake, tomatoes, chives, miso, and textured vegetable protein, the whole meal is in the bag! Enjoy this dehydrated meal while camping, at the cottage, or at home!
Comment savouer

Afin de combler un besoin important dans sa vie, Jonathan Dumas a créé Dunord, une solution de repas rapide et abordable qui n’allait pas à l’encontre de ses valeurs environnementales et nutritionnelles.
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