Saison 3

The invisible life that is eroding beneath our feet – Marie-Élise Samson and Étienne Yergeau

La vie invisible qui s’érode sous nos pieds – Marie-Élise Samson et Étienne Yergeau

Microorganisms are the basis of all life on Earth, and their presence in our lands is essential to ensure their fertility.

On the other hand, some of our agricultural practices threaten this primordial biodiversity and reduce the quality of our soils, sometimes to critical levels.

This is the subject of this episode of Idées Radiicules, where we welcome Marie-Élise Samson , assistant professor of soil sciences at Laval University, and Étienne Yergeau, professor of microbial ecology at the Institut national de la scientific research (INRS).

Thank you to our partner, the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) .

Also available on Spotify:

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La coopérative, l’avenir de l’agriculture? – Evan Murray et Frédéric Thériault
Devenir vigneron au Québec, un rêve fou? – Frédéric Ouellet-Lacroix et Joël Richard