Les argousiers Ste-Christine

Les argousiers Ste-Christine

Les Argousiers Ste-Christine is a unique peasant farm lined with fields of sea buckthorn fruits, medicinal plants, outdoor breeding of giant rabbits and laying hens. In compliance with the principles of agroecology, each animal and each plant on this farm finds its use.

During your visit with Paule, the owner, you will discover what this little-known fruit is, very rich in vitamins, called sea buckthorn. You will learn more about permaculture and you will discover the different livestock on the farm, from rabbits to chickens, including Icelandic sheep.

What is sea buckthorn?

Sea buckthorn is a shrub belonging to the olive family native to China and Russia and whose cultivation has been very well established in Quebec for several years.

The plant produces a bright orange fruit that has a slight citrus taste. This fruit has many benefits, the main one being that it is an excellent source of omega 7.

Sea buckthorn can be consumed in many ways: in tea, in juice, in jelly, on your oatmeal, in a smoothie... Sea buckthorn products are practically endless!

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