Jérémie Postel

Jérémie Postel

A lover of the forest since his early childhood and a journey rich in unique experiences, Jérémie Postel moved to the Sutton region in 2011, where his business project was born. His vast knowledge of herbalism and forestry led him to work with balsam fir to make delicious concoctions.

By creating his company, Jérémie Postel made it his mission to share his love of wild flavors through his products, but also to remind Quebecers that our forests are real larders necessary for survival.

His speciality ?

Fir honey, an all-natural honey macerated with young fir shoots. Thanks to the principle of osmosis, honey extracts all the benefits of the balsam fir (its essence, its gum, its vitamins, its minerals).

Qu’est-ce qui se mange en forêt? 5 aliments à cueillir et à découvrir

What is eaten in the forest? 5 foods to pick and discover

Nature is a real pantry, but do you know what is eaten in the forest? If you're ready to venture off the beaten path of your usual supermarket, follow us to discover 5 delicious forest finds. It...